Tuesday, December 05, 2006

"In my life, I love you more"

Dedicated to the memory of Hilda Dias (Nov. 18, 1924 - June 23, 2006)

I would like to recount the memory of the 80th birthday celebration of my grandmother, Hilda Dias.

First of all there is no one I would rather have had as my grandmother than my Nanny. (I promise more stories about her). So when my dad and his brothers decided to throw a huge party for the occasion, I immediately thought, "what can I contribute?" I thought about it alot as time got closer to the day. Should I write a speech? Should I sing? My cousins provided the answer.

When we were young, we would go to my grandmother's place for christmas or easter, and she would make us sing for candy, or money. My brother, Gordon, was particularly fond of these bribes. As embarrasing and painful to the ear as these concerts were, I truly feel it was worth remembering.

It was out of these memories that my cousins and I decided to sing for her. We didn't know what song to sing. My cousin Julian suggessted In My Life by the Beatles. It really was the perfect choice. So when my other cousins, Katia and Kristophe, came from Halifax, we went into the master bedroom of Nanny's apartment with guitars and a cd player.

We had to teach Katia and Kristophe the song, as they had somehow gone their young lives without listening to good music. We rehearsed so much that I'm not sure we didn't damage the CD irrevocably.

The next day we drove to Toronto where the celebration was being held at a Indian restaurant/catering hall. My cousins and I went outside and practised one more time.
Julian and Justin played guitar while Jeff, Katia, Kristophe, and I sang the melody. After this last practise, Justin turned to me and said "Be the lead singer and sing as loud as you can" intimating that I was singing well. "We gotta drown out Kristophe" he added with his characteristic mischevious grin.

We sang our best that day in the way the little drummer boy did when he played for baby Jesus. I had always wanted to be in a band with my cousins and I have jammed with them on many occasions. But this...this was special. Nanny glowed as we sang, and we received hugs for our performance. I truly feel fortunate to have such a good family and memories such as these


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