Sunday, January 22, 2012

Merlin and Morgaine

I learned much about life from my grandmother. She wasn't your average old lady. I don't think the term "old lady" could have ever even apply to her. After all she was the one who was always telling me not to get set in my ways too early in life. She taught me that life is change and life is lived in the unexpected. She was Christian yet she held a deep belief in things like ghosts and reincarnation. She was a firm believer in Christian charity. This was not lip-service. Her whole life was devoted to giving to others and providing hospitality. She could have a meal ready for anyone who came to her door in less than 10 min. She had a breadth of knowledge ranging from medicine to the occult. At one point used to read palms and often could see things before they happened. She had the gift of sight. And a she was an accomplished poet. I have inherited some of these gifts.

Western Civilization has often been uncomfortable with the role of the wise old women, even labeling such women as witches. In many representations in stories movies and shows, the evil ones are generally old powerful women and their followers. I think of Morgaine from the legend of King Arthur. My grandmother was a strong, powerful and wise woman, and I would follow her anywhere. But my feeling is that the "crone" has power for good that compliments Merlin's

Who is Merlin for me? My many mentors but most of all my uncle John. He even has the long white beard that he wears like a badge of office. Often when I need guidance I email Uncle John. Without fail the wisdom he imparts sees me through. My imagination and writing and appreciation of stories has been fostered by him most of all.

I feel truly blessed for these and other people how have enriched my life.