Sunday, March 10, 2013

Christian Transformation

Since becoming a Christian and entering into seminary,  my world has been turned upside down and I have gone through  numerous phases of a more general and grander scale transformation of who I am.  I am not simply playing the same game in a different position.  Rather the whole complex that is me has changed.  So much of the hurt I've carried with me for so many years has been forced to the surface.  So many of lies I've believed about myself have been shown to be untruths.

 It has not been an easy year.  The stress of seminary/university life, coupled with the emotional stuff I have been forced to face after years of numbness, and suppression, has caused me to be ill more often than I've been well.  I think that the Holy Spirit is working with me to expel some of the garbage I have been holding unto, withdrawing it like poison from a snake bite.  After all the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier.  The Father has made me, Christ has saved me, the Holy Spirit works within me to enact and transform me now that I am saved

Many of the false assumptions I have held about myself have been undermined, and in some cases utterly defeated.  It has not been easy but then nothing really is.