Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Trial of a Fatboy

I recently rejoined Goodlife Fitness, an athletic club with which I have a painful acquaintance.

I've never been fond of athletics and exercise. For one thing, I was made fun of as a kid for my sloppy coordination and general ineptitude in sports. For many years I was simply put off, the bitter memory of mockery having left a bad taste in my mouth.

There was a period when I was determined to lose weight by walking and being careful with what I ate. This was when I was at the peak of my physical prowess, having shed 40 pounds off my 190 pound frame. That's what makes my fall in 2000 so much more painful. I gained back the weight and then some. Because of this weight gain, my parents told me to join Goodlife. I resented this and would hold this as part of my overall anger towards my parents in my dark period. After a few months of little success, we decided to try getting a personal trainer. This would prove diasterous to my health, confidence, and outlook on gyms for a long time afterwards.

I met Cully, my personal trainer, and he seemed like a nice guy. I wouldn't say we hit it off, but he certainly wasn't what I feared, the arrogant jock like the one from Clerks. We tried a few things, and it was hard work but I figured no pain, no gain. Besides, what could go wrong?

Well........., I'll be blunt. I puked at the end of the session. In fact, I puked after every session except the last one. I guess that was one way to lose weight.

So, with the combination of resentment of my parents' feelings about my weight, and the bad experience with personal training, I stayed away from goodlife until now. I am significantly heavier, and I need help to get healthy again. So I turn to my mortal enemy, Goodlife, for help. We'll see how it goes.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

8:33 PM  

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